Covid-19 Treatment

Covid-19 is probably the most infamous disease in recent memory. According to WHO, there have been 641,915,931 confirmed cases up until now (the number might increase in the future). The rate of its cases and the rate at which it spreads are regularly monitored by organisations like WHO and other non-profits and Governments all over the world to keep a watch on Covid-19 to determine its effects on their population. As its a highly contagious disease, that is quick to spread and multiply, it’s recommended that the general public follow certain methods of self-regulation in public spaces to reduce the spread of this disease.

What is Covid-19?

Coronavirus, commonly referred to as Covid-19 comes from a family of viruses that are known for causing illnesses such as the common cold, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). In late 2019, a new coronavirus strain was identified as the cause of a disease outbreak that we know now as the Covid-19 pandemic and it originated in China.
The virus originates from is known as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). In March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic, which generally refers to a period that is affected by a massive outbreak of a certain disease or more.

Symptoms of COVID-19

The symptoms of Coronavirus are relatively common and are usually not a cause for alarm. Often they’ve been compared to the symptoms of the common flu or cold, so to be able to spot it more accurately, you should look for these symptoms:

What are the Symptoms of Anaemia?

    • Fever
    • Cough
    • Tiredness
    • Loss of taste and smell 
    • Shortness of breath or having difficulty breathing
    • Muscle aches
    • Chills
    • Sore throat
    • Runny nose
    • Headache
    • Chest pain
    • Pink eye (conjunctivitis)
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting
    • Diarrhoea
    • Rash
The severity and the occurrence of these symptoms may vary from person to person. In some cases, the symptoms might be mild or they might not appear at all, they are usually referred to as asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic covid-19.
Asymptomatic: This means you have developed covid-19 without showing any symptoms. People with asymptomatic Covid-19 can test positive, but still not develop any symptoms associated with it, even after the incubation period for Coronavirus has passed.
Pre- symptomatic: People with pre-symptomatic covid-19 can start showing symptoms at a relatively later stage, usually within the span of 2-14 days, with the incubation period being around 4-5 days.
Some existing medical conditions also put you at the risk for Coronavirus such as those relatively well-known conditions might include,
  • Cancer
  • Overweight, obesity or severe obesity
  • High blood pressure
  • Smoking
  • Pregnancy
  • Asthma
Besides these, there are many other diseases and medical conditions that increase the risk of you contracting covid-19 and in most cases, contracting covid-19 along with a medical condition might increase your chances of being affected severely.

Getting Tested for COVID-19

Rather than looking out for symptoms, it’s much better to get tested. Usually, the test is done by collecting samples from your nose and throat with the use of a swab and stored into a box. The specimen is then sent to get tested. This test is usually performed with the help of a medical professional. But it can also be performed at home, with proper care and directions.

Treating Covid-19 at your Home:

If your symptoms are mild. covid 19 can be treated at home as it tends to go past its incubation period within 4-5 days and people can gradually rest well. To treat it at home you usually need,
  • Rest
  • Fluids
  • Pain relievers
  • Medications
Besides, you need to regularly keep up with your oxygen levels and make sure to isolate yourself from others to avoid it being spread to others. Treating at home is the most common method and it’s usually done by those who are asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic and do not have any existing medical conditions. It’s very common among youngsters but adults aged above 65 with existing medical conditions should seek the help of a medical professional.

Getting Treatment for Covid-19 at a Hospital:

At Medark, we offer supportive care and strictly monitor those who are affected by the coronavirus. In a general sense, this means a patient who is admitted into the hospital for coronavirus treatments will be monitored regularly, undergo a bunch of tests, and be prescribed fluids and medications. As coronavirus mostly affects your lungs and oxygen levels, patients might need the help of a hospital to get access to an oxygen tank. A patient admitted to a hospital can also be made to undergo breathing exercises to improve their breathing. Usually, those with an existing medical condition or who are impacted by a severe case of the coronavirus tend to seek out medical assistance. Especially since treatment for those with existing medical conditions will be customised according to the conditions that they possess, to avoid complications or reduce the risk of the patient becoming seriously ill.

Vaccines Available for COVID-19

The risk of coronavirus can be reduced greatly by a vaccine. Though it is voluntary, it is highly recommended that you get vaccinated against Covid-19 to avoid the risk of being affected by it or infecting those around you. Currently, the available list of vaccinations that are allowed in India are:
  • Covax by Serum Institute of India 
  • Corbevax 
  • Zydus Cadila ZyCov-D
  • GEMCO VAC-19
  • Spike Vax
  • Sputnik Light
  • Sputnik V
  • Jcovden
  • Oxford/AstraZeneca Vaxzevria
  • Serum Institute of India Covid Shield
  • Covaxin

Importance of Quarantine & Self- Regulation:

Precaution and prevention for Covid-19 usually begin by following important methods of quarantine and following certain rules when you’re out in public. Since the risk of Corona majorly depends on you coming into contact with an infected person, you must take proper care to protect yourself from getting infected with Corona. Quarantining and following certain rules and regulations when you are out and about are vital in preventing the spread of the coronavirus.
Quarantine: This refers to a period of self-isolation when a person comes into contact with an infected person or starts developing symptoms of having the coronavirus. People who are travelling from and going to foreign destinations might also be requested to undergo a period of quarantine, to reduce the risk of bringing in Covid-19 into the country. Usually, during quarantine, a person isolates themselves from the rest of their surroundings and either is required to undergo a test and await the results in isolation or is required to treat themselves to recovery in case they are affected by covid-19.
Self-Regulation: This refers to rules you should follow to reduce the spread of covid 19 when you are out and about. These generally include,
  • Wearing a mask in public reduces the risk of viral transmissions.
  • Washing your hands regularly
  • Wearing gloves to reduce the spread of disease through contact
  • Practising social distancing, where you maintain a distance of 2 metres or six feet to reduce the spread of disease.
Always keep in mind that you can never be certain of your condition or those around you, so to protect yourself and others, it’s best if you follow the above procedures as they can be of great assistance in reducing the spread of Covid-19.

When to Seek Immediate Medical Assistance:

If you are experiencing emergency symptoms when you are down with Covid-19, seek medical assistance immediately as they can be the signs of a medical emergency. They can include,
  • Having trouble breathing
  • Persistent chest pain or pressure
  • Inability to stay awake
  • Having Confused
  • Pale, grey or blue-coloured skin, lips or nail beds.

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