
Overweight Treatment in Haryana

In the modern era, obesity is a serious health issue that affects men, women, and children. The issue of obesity is influenced by sedentary lives and eating patterns. A careful balance between the number of calories one consumes and the number of calories one expends helps the body maintain its weight. There are several causes why some people struggle to lose weight. Obesity often develops from a combination of dietary, physiological, and environmental variables along with exercise, physical activity, and lifestyle choices.

What is Obesity?

Obesity is a condition defined by an excessive amount of body fat. It is an ailment that raises the risk of multiple illnesses and conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and several cancers.
Obesity symptoms extend beyond having too much body fat. Obese people may also have breathing difficulties, skin issues, trouble sleeping, and other issues. Adult obesity symptoms frequently include:
  • Extra body fat
  • Breathing difficulty
  • More perspiration than normal
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Pain in the joints and back
  • Mental health conditions include low self-esteem, sadness, humiliation, and social isolation

Causes for Obesity

Obesity can develop over time if you consume more calories than you expend through regular exercise and everyday activities. These excess calories accumulate over time and lead to weight growth. However, it is not always simply about how many calories you consume and expend or how active you are. Although there are reasons for obesity, some of them are out of your control.
  • Genetics
  • Surroundings
  • Medications
  • Diseases
  • Lifestyle
  • Psychological Factors

Complications of Obesity

  • High blood pressure
  • Asthma
  • Kidney Disease
  • Sleep Apnea

Treatment for Obesity

The following are the many obesity treatment options:
Diet and Exercise: Making specific lifestyle changes, dietary adjustments, increasing physical activity levels, and adopting good eating practices can help to decrease obesity.
Weight Loss Medications: Pharmacotherapy with weight loss medications advice when is greater than 30 with or without co-morbidities. While using a recommended weight-loss drug, close medical supervision is necessary.
Surgery: It is the best course of action when a patient’s BMI is greater than 37.5 with or without co-morbidities. Weight loss surgery for obesity may consider if other techniques to decrease weight have not succeeded.

Prevention of Obesity

In Kids: Prevention of obesity starts in childhood. Young people should be supported in maintaining a healthy weight without putting too much emphasis on the scale.
  • Breastfeed infants
  • Give growing youngsters the proper portion sizes of food.
  • Encourage older kids to become familiar with different portion amounts.
  • Create early connections with wholesome meals
  • Eat nutritious meals as a family.
  • Eat slowly and only when you’re hungry.
  • Reduce consumption of unhealthy meals in the home and increase interesting and stimulating exercise
  • Reduce your child’s exposure to screens.
  • Ensure that everyone sleeps enough.
  • Know what your child consumes away from the house.
In Adults: Many of these weight loss and maintenance tips for obesity prevention are similar. Maintaining a healthy body weight may be achieved by eating a good diet and improving physical activity.
  • Eat more “healthy” fat and less “bad” fat.
  • Reduce your intake of processed and sugary food.
  • Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables.
  • Consume a lot of dietary fibre.
  • Eat primarily foods with a low glycemic index.
  • Include your family on your trip.
  • Regular aerobic exercise and weight training should be done
  • Try to lessen your daily stress.
  • Learn how to prepare meals on a budget.
Individuals who are overweight begin cognitive behavioural therapy and lifestyle improvement. When other forms of treatment, such as diet, exercise, or medication, have failed to help a person lose weight and they are extremely obese with a BMI of over 35, weight loss surgery from the best multispeciality hospital is their best option.